Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tiger Woods Golf and My Thoughts on Being Nervous

Tonight, after an excellent meat and potatoes sundae (seriously- go to Sequoia Brewery in the Tower and order the Sundae- with meat... so good) and a rousing workout, I literally have my feet up and a frosty beverage in my hand. The spring night is breezing through the open screen door. Eric and Benton are playing Tiger Woods '08. Eric got two hole in ones. No big deal.

We leave for Portland on Thursday- and I have a job fair next Tuesday. To Be a Teacher. I have my packets packed, my suit ready, and my interview questions practiced. It's funny- I am not a nervous person by nature, but I find myself a little clammy-palmed as the time approaches. This isn't some serving job, or marketing gig- this is going to be my CAREER. And though I may not spend my career in the first school I work, I am still beginning my ... CAREER.

I really couldn't be happier, as it turns out. Nervous is better than bored. 

1 comment:

sarah marie p said...

Nervous is def. better than bored. I'm really enjoying your bloggy so far! So exciting about your CAREER!